Sunday, September 16, 2012

Almost Ready!

Well, it's getting down to the last minute rush before I head out for the beginning of Pieceful Designs Fall Tour!  I'm a big list maker...I get such satisfaction seeing those "to dos" crossed off.  Only thing this time around is that the "to dos" are adding on instead of getting checked off!  I go for weeks with trying to think up new ideas for patterns, booth display, etc. and then they all hit me when I'm in rush mode.  So, we'll just have to prioritize and see what shows up.  What you will see at the next shows is a bigger booth!  We've outgrown our 10 X 10 booth so we're moving up!  And the increase of space will fill very quickly with new patterns and kits.  Because of the new space I had to order more pipe and make new drapes...that couples up with fireproofing.  I learned yesterday NOT to fireproof on a windy day!  Not only did I get the drape covered but my clothes, hair, face, well you get the picture, covered as well.  The picture hardly shows the procedure, but suffice it to say it's a bit messy spraying and saturating fireproofing onto the fabric.
Today it's off to finishing new pattern samples and organizing boxes of kits...

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